A vibrant parish of the Episcopal Diocese of North Carolina in Burlington, NC, our roots trace back to 1879.
OUR PARISH MISSION STATEMENT - To worship God, revealed to us as Creator, as Jesus the Christ, and as the Holy Spirit, and experience God’s presence within the church family, nurturing each other through a comprehensive parish program while affirming each other’s individual ministries and responding to Jesus’ continuing call to minister to others.
Worship at Holy Comforter blends music and liturgy steeped in the grand Anglican and Episcopal traditions with preaching and language which speaks to our modern condition. You will hear beautiful music, experience silence, and see people using gestures as a way to express the inexpressible during our liturgies.
Throughout the Christian story, music has played a vital role in expressing faith in the living God. Whether we offer praise from the pew, sing in a choir, or play a musical instrument, we have the opportunity to express our thanks and gratitude to the Christ who has triumphed gloriously for us.